Do I need a Partnership Agreement when setting up a business?

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Amelia Vaughan in the corporate team at Wake Smith Solicitors looks at Partnership Agreements and their uses and benefits.

This article covers:

What is a Partnership?

This is when two or more “persons carrying on a business in common with a view of profit” according to the Partnership Act, 1890.

Are they always formal?

Unlike other corporate structures, there are no formal registration requirements to form a Partnership. in fact, a Partnership exists as soon as the above definition is satisfied.

What happens if you don’t have one?

Although establishing a Partnership may be seen as an easy and low maintenance option to start a business, if no governing documents are drawn up, such as a Partnership Agreement, business owners run the risk of falling foul to the default provisions of the Act.

If, as a Partnership, there has been no Partnership Agreement drawn up, the default provisions may come as a surprise, including to some of the actual Partners!

Examples of some default provisions of the Act include:

Why have a Partnership Agreement?

Drafting a Partnership Agreement governs the relationship between the Partners.

Partnership Agreements afford protection to all types of Partnerships: whether they are family run, well established Partnerships or a new Partnership just starting out.

Drawing up a Partnership Agreement provides certainty for the Partners for how the business operates.

It provides options for the Partnership to decide how to resolve any disputes, to prepare for the unexpected and most importantly, provide options where the Act does not.

Providing certainty for Partners

Examples of how a Partnership Agreement can provide certainty for Partners include:

Your next move?

If you would like a Partnership Agreement drawing up or to discuss your Partnership, please contact our Company Commercial team on 0114 266 6660.

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