Line property error with time series plot

I am trying to produce a simple, time series plot of wind speeds for a specified date and time range. I am importing data from a csv file, but running into a error that says 'There is no A property on the line class'. It looks like it is assigning 'A' to the wind variable, but I'm not sure why. Here is my code:






title('Wind Speed at CMAN CLKN7')


Thanks for suggestions.


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Luna on 1 Feb 2019

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Edited: Luna on 1 Feb 2019

The below line is only gives the char array of a file name. You are not actually importing your data.

Wind= 'FloNOAANBDCSep18WindSpd' ;

You should read your csv and get it to your workspace first. You can use below functions:

[Wind,txt,raw] = xlsread( 'FloNOAANBDCSep18WindSpd.csv' ); % for numeric(Wind) or raw data

Wind=readtable( 'FloNOAANBDCSep18WindSpd.csv' ); % for table

Wind = csvread( 'FloNOAANBDCSep18WindSpd.csv' ) % For numeric

% You can also use full file path all of these three functions:
