Notarizing an affidavit in colorado

Secretary of State
Jena Griswold

Secretary of State
Jena Griswold

Secretary of State
Jena Griswold


Notarization Format Examples

The following format examples are provided as a reference. Please review the notary stamp requirements mandating a rectangular ink stamp that includes the notary ID number and commission expiration date.

Verification on oath or affirmation [1]

Signed and sworn to [or affirmed] before me on _______________________, 20____
by __________________________________ (name(s) of individual(s) making statement).

(Notary’s official signature)

(Title of office)

Certification of a document photocopy (certified copies) [2]

I certify that this is a true and correct copy of a record in the possession of _______________________.

(Notary’s official signature)

(Title of office)

Witnessing or attesting a signature [3]

Signed before me on _______________________, 20____
by __________________________________ (name(s) of individual(s) making statement).

(Notary’s official signature)

(Title of office)

Individual acting in his/her own right (individual capacity)

This record was acknowledged before me on _________________________, 20 _____
by _____________________________ (name(s) of individual(s)).

(Notary’s official signature)

(Title of office)

Individual acting in a representative capacity

State of Colorado
County of ____________________

This record was acknowledged before me on _________________________, 20 _____
by _________________________ as (type of authority, such as officer or trustee) of
(name of party/entity on behalf of whom record was executed) .

(name of officer or agent, title of officer or agent) of (name of corporation acknowledging)
a (state or place of incorporation) corporation, on behalf of the corporation.

(Notary’s official signature)

(Title of office)

[1] 24-21-516(1)(c), C.R.S.
[2] 24-21-516(1)(e), C.R.S.
[3] 24-21-516(1)(d) C.R.S.
[4] 24-21-516(1)(a) and (b), C.R.S.

Colorado Secretary of State | 1700 Broadway, Suite 550, Denver CO 80290 | 303-894-2200