Airport Express not recognized since update

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macrumors 6502a
Original poster Mar 17, 2005 946 4 KY

I use Airport Express to stream music and that's all. I use a Netgear wireless router for everything else. Ever since the latest Airport update, my Airport Express has been acting up. It's not usually recognized, so when I really need to use to listen to music on the weekends, etc., I have to unplug it plug it back in and do the following in Airport Setup (which I'll try and describe):

Open Setup Assistant - choose change existing airport base station - it finds my wireless network from the netgear - hit continue - scan for Airport base station - hopefully it will recognize Airtunes - then, rather than hit continue, I quit Setup Assistant, and at that point Airtunes is connected.

If I were to hit continue after Airtunes is recognized, it trys to restart the Airport Express to reset it, but at that point it drops my wireless signal (which makes no since b/c the Netgear router carries that signal).

So that is what I have to go through just to use Airtunes for an evening, then I would have to do it all over again the next time I want to stream music. I'd like to get it back to the point where it works consistently, so my question is: what do I do? Revert back to the last update? I gess I would like to figure out why it drops my wireless signal when it trys to restart Airport Express. It seems like everything is really confused, and I need to start from scratch, but it won't let me. I should mention that if I choose to add a new Airport base station from teh Setup Assistant it simply won't recognize Airport Express.

If anyone follows all that, or has some advice please share because I have had it with this thing (but I use to really like it)